Fun Dental Facts to Share with your Family


Not only has Modern Dentistry been serving Brooklyn for 30 years, but we’ve been helping families improve their oral health for decades! And One thing we love to do is help children overcome their fear of the dentist.So we wanted to write this blog post to offer some fun and interesting dental fun facts that can help kids overcome their fear. And if you need to schedule an appointment with a dentist in Brooklyn for you and your family- GIve us a call at (718)-339-6000.How much is a tooth worth nowadays? According to Money Magazine, the tooth fairy is giving out around $2 per tooth.

  • Over the course of a lifetime, the average person will spend 38.5 days brushing their teeth.
  • If you drink more than 3 glasses of soda a day, you’re 62% more likely to have tooth decay, or other oral health issues.
  • Tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the human body- Even still, you shouldn’t chew on ice!
  • Your toothbrush should be replaced at the very least every three months. You should also make sure to replace it if you’ve just gotten over an illness.

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